San Luis

Every Easter in Bateyes throughout the Dominican Republic, Gagá (Rara) bands parade through towns and adjacent communities to the tune of music and dance while wearing colorful costumes. The Gagá travels the road conducting spiritual ceremonies while joined by the crowds, who become participants in the ceremony. The celebrations reach their climax on Easter weekend.

In San Luis, on the outskirts of Santo Domingo, the Gagá celebrations date back to the 1950s. The Gagá is led by the Houngan (Vodou priest) Blas “Bleo” Sánchez, one of the most prominent figures in the Vodou scene in the country. These images are part of an ongoing project documenting Gagá celebrations throughout the Dominican Republic. The photos were taken between 2016-2019. Eduardo Mejia, a San Luis native, is a part of this project.


Banica Celebrations